Welcome to Green Mountain Education
Welcome to Green Mountain Education! We are an educational materials provider focused on English Language Teaching. Whether you are a current user or prospective user of our materials, click around the site to learn more about our company and programs or to access companion resources for your program!
Introducing Connected
CONNECTED is a six-level General English course taking young adult/adult learners from Beginner to Advanced levels (CEFR: A1 to C1).
Get motivated through frequent personalization of target language points, personal learning paths, and self-assessment of progress toward your goals.
Maximize your classroom time learning English with lexical support in your first language and logs for you to record and build on the language you want to use.
Join the community with the Connected online platform, a community for you to extend your practice of English and for instructors to develop/share their skills in teaching with the series.
Introducing Look Ahead
LOOK AHEAD is a five-level English course taking high school learners from CEFR: A1 to B1+.
Correlates to Bachilleratos TecnolĂłgicos. Every level of Look Ahead contains 3 modules with 5 lessons each that align with the 3 evaluation periods. Structured lessons help students with the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Provides multiple evaluation instruments. Look Ahead provides teachers with multiple assessment opportunities to determine if students have achieved the expected learning outcomes.
Offers a full array of components. At every level, Look Ahead includes a variety of print and digital components to help students and teachers succeed!
Introducing United
UNITED is a six-level General English course taking learners from Beginner to High Intermediate levels (CEFR: pre-A1 to B2).
Provides frequent practice that enables students to develop fluency and gain confidence in using English. Throughout the student book, practice activities enable students to apply the skills they learn. Additional practice and support are available with the online workbook platform and companion site.
Maximizes classroom time for learning English with twelve 7-page units for each level, self-grading online workbook platform perfect for homework or labs, and lexical lists in students’ first language.
Offers a full array of components. At every level, United includes a variety of print and digital components to help students and teachers succeed!